Saturday, October 15, 2011


This clip explains it beautifully.!

And go to this site for great meditations.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Self Healing

There are three things that make up a human being, namely everything that you put in your body, what you think or your attitude and your genetics. Two of these things we can affect directly but people insist that they should continue to put the same stuff in their bodies that made them unwell and expect different results.
So be aware of what you eat, drink and put in your body as well as your thoughts.

Consciously changing your genetics is a much more detailed subject which I will add later.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Spells Curses and Entities

I have realized that most people don't really know the difference between these anomalies.
All three of them are forces from outside of ourselves affecting us. What they are not is muscle memory,physiology,cell memory or trauma stored in our cells.
There is a subtle difference which can be detected.
If they are treated as such you will get changes but not really results. The entity may move around your body and create different symptoms and the spells and curses will effectively remain unaffected.
I will define each one to shed more light or clarity.
A spell is something that is cast on a person and will continue to affect that person and only that person until it is removed a spell is inert you cannot interact with it in the sense that it will not give answers to questions. With a lot of practice you may be able to get a sense or feeling where a spell came from. Spells cannot be destroyed they can only be removed and placed somewhere else in safekeeping. Spells are similar to a scientific formula as they may lie inert in a book for a long period of time but should they be found and the correct factors applied it will work the same as it always worked, it will not get stronger or weaker. There are general spells and personalized spells. Personalized works only on a specific person and general spells can be applied to any person. When a person with a spell on them dies that spell will hang around inactive until either stored safely or taken and reapplied to another person.

A curse is very similar to a spell and often the difference will go unnoticed but a curse remains effective on a person or their offspring forever. Often a family will have some affliction that always affects their firstborn children or their firstborn male child. This is often a curse and it can affect a family,a village or a tribe in other words any group of people that may have annoyed a witch at some point in time and their offspring.

Considering that hunting wytches was considered a sport for an extended period in our history this scenario is not unlikely.

Entities are beings that believe that they are dark or evil or bad. Either due to a belief in being separate from god or an overlay that has been placed on them that they cannot see past. You can reason or negotiate with an entity and it has an intellect of its own. It is not a split or an extension of the hosts personality even although these do exist. An entity can be removed and the persons affliction will be gone.
This does not mean that the person cannot go and get another entity after the first one has been removed. Some people are so used to their entities that when it is removed they feel as though something is missing until they get another one. This condition is often called an addiction or a disease.

So with some definitions out of the way there are a couple of things that I would like to mention about spells and curses.
The vibration of the planet is increasing and so is everything on it and as a result of this spiritual abilities that previously took almost a lifetime to acquire are almost instantly available.
A lady that came to me for help recently was amongst other things having difficulty getting a man out of her life as he did not seem to be getting the message to leave.
As she was telling me about this she remembered that when she met the man she thought to herself "bind him".
Now she is a powerful being in herself and has been a witch in past lives but does not practice any of this in her current life but just by having that thought she cast a spell on this man and years later after the relationship had run its course he was unable to understand the concept of leaving her.
Please be careful when playing with spells it is not a game and the long term affects can be devastating especially when you mess with the natural order of things.

When dealing with people that cast spells always ask if they know how to remove spells.

I was quite horrified some time ago when searching for someone that may help refine my spell removal abilities to discover that of the many "white"witches advertising NONE
know how to remove a spell but all claim that they can cast one and I well believe that they can.

Spells create an imbalance or abundance of some item but in turn create a lack of something else to maintain the balance.

So to get something for example a lover,money etc what are you prepared to give up your sight,maybe happiness or healthy children or how about your freedom. These are often things that we take for granted.

Think about it before you cast a spell.

I can remove spells,curses and entities but I will not cast spells.