Thursday, April 15, 2010

The meaning of life

So I ask myself, what are we doing here?
Why are we here?
Specifically on this planet right now?

There are many answers to these questions. Are we the product of some strange game being played by a bored god looking to make his life interesting?
Is this a game of incarnation and re-incarnation until we reach some sort of goal? Then what?

Happily ever after? (how tedious)

Maybe we only get one shot at it and if you commit one of the mortal sins thats it tickets!!! Maybe god does forgive us but then why lead useful productive lives? Raise hell live on the edge do whatever you like and ask for forgiveness right at the end.(personally this one appeals to me)

Evidence that I have experienced in my life points to there being a lot more to this whole thing than we at first perceive in fact infinite possibilities and realities interweaving with one another but thats a whole new discussion.

This gets me back to my original question.
What are we doing here right now?
I like simple answers to questions.

Considering that we are infinite limitless beings. Did we come here to have relationships with other humans well yes partly but actually no.
My reason for saying that is that if we are infinite limitless beings we could have much more complicated and involved interactions without the limits of human form and we can also experience love in a much more complete and total way.
(please excuse the limits of written communication it not always easy to explain feel)

So another circle leads me back to my original question and there are many of these dead ends as this group believes this and that group believes that.
Also between this philosophy and that religion we can get quite lost looking for WHAT AM I DOING HERE.

There is only one thing that I can see that we all have in common.

Mother earth.

Everything that we wear,eat,touch,experience either comes from or has something to do with mother earth.

Therefore I conclude that we are here to have a relationship with mother earth.

What is that? You might ask.

Well many of you are already in a relationship with your garden or rivers or the sea or with mountains and even the beauty of wide open plains.

To you I say become aware of your relationship and open a dialogue it is your relationship and your experience of mother earth don't be surprised if the relationship is unique to you because that is what it is meant to be.

To you that still say I dunno what to do.

Start with take your shoes off and stand on grass actually feel it. Or stand next to a tree feel it and talk to it in your head.

Work on your relationship with mother earth and all else will sort itself out.

Thank you for listening/reading have a stunning day.
